World Mental Health Day: SE10’s guide to thriving in remote work


As we celebrate World Mental Health Day on October 10, our team reflects on the transition from office to remote work. Some have enjoyed increased productivity, a better work-life balance and no more crowded commutes. Others miss the social interaction with colleagues and find it challenging to maintain clear boundaries between work and personal time.

To address the complexities of remote work and its impact on mental health, we’ve gathered valuable insights and feedback from our team.

Can you share your experience shifting from office-based work to remote work at SE10?

The shift to remote work at SE10 has brought a mix of experiences, with employees adapting differently to the new norm. For many, it has provided increased flexibility and improved work-life balance.

“I’ve enjoyed the newfound freedom, but I also miss being able to chat and ask quick questions in the office. However, over time I’ve found the perfect balance between working remotely and meeting with clients or colleagues in person,” says U.K. based account director Rosie Hopkins.

For others, such as Salmah El Haissane, our Singapore account manager, the remote setup has been a productivity booster!
“Eliminating the work commute has allowed me to start my day with a calm mindset, improving my time management and overall well-being,” she says.

Similarly, account manager Jack Porter, who lives in London, has appreciated the flexibility, saying it allows him to “easily balance his time without disrupting his work routine”.

What routines or habits do you have to prioritize your mental health while working remotely?

SE10 employees have adopted various personal routines and newfound hobbies to maintain their well-being and productivity while working from home. Rosie highlighted the importance of starting her day right: “I get dressed, put on my makeup and wear a pair of big earrings!” She also encourages regular breaks, including daily walks around a nearby lake.
In Singapore, associate director Matt Pearman emphasizes a healthy routine, calling his morning swims a “game-changer” for stress relief and mindfulness. He finds that swimming allows him to disconnect from work pressures and return refreshed.

Meanwhile, Yasmin Abraham, SE10’s digital marketing manager currently based in Amsterdam, prioritizes her health through activities like yoga and cooking during lunch breaks. “I enjoy cooking healthy meals that keep my energy levels high while working from home,” she says.

Account director Mariana Santos, who lives in Chicago, recognizes the challenge of losing track of time, often taking breaks for tea or jogging to recharge. “These activities help me feel energized and ready for another few hours of work,” she explains.

Julia Shrader, an account executive in Charlotte, North Carolina, advises prioritizing morning routines and avoiding scrolling through a packed inbox first thing to avoid stress, emphasizing the importance of a healthy lunch and time outdoors.

How do you stay connected with colleagues while working remotely? Have you found this challenging?

SE10 employees prioritize staying connected while working remotely through various initiatives and personal efforts.

Jack makes a point to message at least one colleague daily about non-work-related topics, emphasizing the importance of maintaining personal connections. Yasmin notes that collaborating with clients has allowed her to engage with many team members, stating: “This year, we launched an SE10 PR marketing team, which holds bi-weekly check-ins to discuss new ideas for promoting the company.” This initiative fosters a sense of unity among the global team, which includes members from the U.K., U.S. and Singapore.

Hannah Kitchener, an associate director on the U.K. team, reflects on the evolution of communication at SE10. “In the beginning, we scheduled calls to stay connected, but those sometimes felt forced,” she recounted. “Over time, we’ve developed a routine where it feels natural to send a quick message or call someone. I appreciate knowing my colleagues are always happy to chat and help.”

Similarly, Matt emphasizes the importance of regular check-ins to maintain teamwork, saying, “This not only keeps projects on track but also fosters camaraderie.”

Mariana highlights the value of her Monday morning calls with the U.S. team, where colleagues share weekend stories, recommend movies or seek work-related support. “For me, these calls are essential for feeling connected as a team,” she explains. She adds that SE10’s global in-person meetings are also great opportunities to bond with colleagues from other regions and build friendships.

SE10's guide: 5 tips for maintaining wellness while working remotely

  1. Establish a routine:

    Create a consistent schedule and be sure to include regular breaks throughout the day! A healthy morning routine can set a positive tone and help you start the day strong.

  2. Create a comfortable workspace:

    Designate a specific area in your home as your workspace and turn it into your personal “home office”. Keep it organized and comfortable – add personalized items like a candle, picture frame or a nice desk plant to make it enjoyable. A clean, clutter-free environment will help you stay focused and productive.

  3. Take regular breaks:

    Taking small breaks throughout the day is essential. One of our colleagues suggested using the Pomodoro Technique to avoid feeling chained to your desk! We recommend taking a small walk around the house, doing some stretches to keep your body moving or grabbing a quick snack to refresh your mind.

  4. Stay connected to your colleagues:

    Wellness check-ins with your colleagues throughout the week are important for staying connected and maintaining a sense of camaraderie. We suggest hopping on quick calls to chat about non-work topics while enjoying your morning coffee to foster a relaxed relationship!

  5. Look after yourself:

    Our final and most important tip is to take care of yourself! This includes eating nutritious meals throughout the day, exercising before or after work, doing something you love every day and incorporating healthy hobbies into your work routine.

By Julia Shrader

Account Executive

About the Author

Julia Shrader is an Account Executive at SE10’s U.S. office. She earned a bachelor’s degree in public relations from the University of Tennessee and joined SE10 to launch her career as a PR professional. Julia creates engaging social media content, crafts compelling narratives and collaborates closely with clients to drive successful PR campaigns.